Easy RentEasy Rent

Business & Lux car rental in Dubai


About the company

About the company

Easyrent is part of the transport ecosystem of GTK Holding. We have experience in developing a car rental business from scratch to a key player, competent investment management and a reliable team of specialists. That’s why we boldly explore new markets and take a leading position among our competitors.

The company's history

Easyrent is a car rental company in Dubai. Thousands of businessmen fly here to the financial center of the UAE every day, hundreds of transactions are carried out here, dozens of large exhibitions of various industries are held here, and millions more tourists want to see the miracle city born in the sands. It is in Dubai that you experience first-hand the truth of the words “time is money.” We keep both the first and the second.

You can rent a car from us for business and personal meetings, executive trips or other tasks in the super hot climate of the UAE. Even if today the plan is only to relax, we will help make it pleasant and comfortable.

We chose the Dubai market to scale because we can match it. We know how to establish internal processes, how to provide high-quality service, we understand marketing and risk management — all this ultimately ensures high profitability of the business — both ours and our partners'.

Financial indicators


Our business started in Russia, with only 10 cars that we purchased for a taxi car rental project.


We opened our first office in Moscow. We started partnering with large companies such as Yandex and Mercedes-Benz. There are already 30 units in the fleet.


We opened our own car service in Moscow to service our fleet, which has increased to 150 cars.


There are already 500 cars on the balance sheet. We also saved the Izmailovo taxi company from bankruptcy: we retained the staff and brought the company to profit. We realized that we could effectively manage third-party fleets.


We cooperate with major investors, and there are already more than 1,500 clients.


We are opening new offices and service stations in Moscow. We develop our own software for managing key indicators in the transport business.


We launch partner fleets that successfully continue their work.


We brought several third-party vehicle fleets under trust management to a stable profit, and then successfully sold them. We realized that we could teach others our management system — we began collecting materials for corporate training. We are successfully developing leasing and growing the company's staff.


The volume of the company's client portfolio has exceeded 2 billion rubles. About 15% of them are our former management employees. Once again we are convinced that our training and support provide real opportunities for financial growth.


We successfully occupied different segments of the rental market, so we decided to go further — to develop a premium niche: we opened TOPCAR with several Mercedes-Benz and Porsche.


We're pushing ahead: we're expanding our fleet to 30 luxury cars. We are implementing our own development — Itransport. The fleet has grown to 60 luxury cars, and the staff already employs 70 employees. We are entering the Dubai market — creating the Easyrent company for renting cars of different segments for any task. We formed principles and standards of work, selected and trained customer service specialists. We started the rental with several Teslas.


Easyrent is confidently gaining momentum in the rental market in Dubai: we increased our staff and vehicles — now there are 32 vehicles in the fleet.

The company's mission

We want to become an integral part of Dubai's urban infrastructure, so that every resident and tourist knows where they can easily rent a car.



We like to set big goals for ourselves and achieve them, celebrate the victory, and then set new ones. We rely on a strong team of specialists, whom we grow ourselves, and we adapt the established work mechanisms to the market.


The trust

This is the basis of any relationship. If we can build high-quality and trusting relationships with the company’s clients, then the success of the entire enterprise is guaranteed.



We are growing through partner investments, among other things, so the interests of our partners are a priority for us. We work according to a win-win scheme — everyone should benefit.


Entering the market with a high-quality service and at the same time with the best price. Break the connection between “low cost — bad service” in the minds of consumers, thereby gaining a confident place in the market.



We adapt our rental company management model to the Dubai market, adjust it to the current situation, but stand by our principles and values.



All smart companies have a plan. Of course, we have them too: both in the development of customer service and in the growth of investor portfolios.



Time will tell here, but in one year of work we have already managed to grow qualitatively and quantitatively, and this is just the beginning.

Business advantages

How we work, what we are guided by, why working with us brings results

Transparent work scheme

Transparent work scheme

1) Car in trust: we will promote your car and all operational issues, and you will receive profit from the rental. 2) Investment of funds: we will distribute the investments ourselves, and you will receive the profitability specified in the contract.



We install one of the best security systems before launching for rental; we receive information about the location of the car in real time. Owners' cars are parked free of charge in covered, guarded parking.



In the event of an emergency, we will undertake negotiations with the insurance company and other participants in the process, and will also provide support at all stages of the settlement: we will advise the owner, deliver the car to the dealership, and control the transfer of funds.

Concierge service

Concierge service

Our partners automatically participate in the loyalty program: rental discounts, free transfers, search for cleaning services and other specialists, fast delivery of flowers and gifts. The partner is managed by a personal manager for the entire investment period.

From advertising to security

From advertising to security

We handle full vehicle management: all operational, legal and marketing work is carried out by our team. We promote your car so that customers rent it as often as possible.

Our team

Over the years of work, we have understood what kind of people we need: ambitious, but not in a vacuum, those who distinguish a goal from a mirage, who are ready to move together to go further, and not run faster, but alone. We take such people into our team and help them become real experts in their field. This is a strong basis for building internal processes and achieving great results.

Said Zaliyev

Said Zaliyev


Geography of presence



Started in 2020



Started in 2022



Started in 2022



Exit plan for 2023



Exit plan for 2023



Exit plan for 2023



Do you want to become a part of a business with high profitability? Should you hand over your car or invest money? Whatever you choose, it will work and be profitable — we know how to do it.

Business investment
Business investment

Business Investments

Potential profitability of up to 31% per annum in dollars! High return and stable income!

Growing car rental business in different segments, which opens up even more opportunities.

Potential return on investment in dollars up to 31%, including management fees!

Business bonuses, in addition to income: discounts on premium car rentals, transfers, security, concierge service.

Investment Presentation

Download the presentation
Investment in a car
Investment in a car

We take care of all operational tasks, and you receive income.

After paying rental and organizational expenses, net profit is divided:


To the owner of a car


Easy Rent


A clear model of work without hidden commissions and unnecessary tricks. If you rent a car, you make a profit.


Once we take the car into trust, you no longer need to do anything on your own.


The car is insured, is parked free of charge in covered and insulated parking when not for rental, and is equipped with a security system.

How much will you earn in a year?

Vehicle data for May 2022




Cost of the car

266500 AED


12 390



Your profit, 60%

6 908

Profit Easy Rent, 40%

4 605

Comparative table

CriteriaTrust managementInvesting in business
Guaranteed profitability under the contractYesYes
Marketing, service, detailing, car protection
Upon expiration of the contract, the car becomes the property of the fleet
Investment process
Investment process

Trust management

Under our competent management, the car will bring you a guaranteed income.

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Profitability under the contract


Profitability under the contract

You have a car that you want to rent out. We find out its market value. Then we discuss all the details with you, set the profitability and sign the contract.

Operating activities


Operating activities

We take full responsibility for promoting your car so that customers rent a car more often. We also deal with all legal and technical issues.

Property security


Property security

Each car is equipped with a modern security system and is under our control. When the car is not rented, it is parked in a covered, guarded parking lot and can be provided to the owner upon request. After trips, we carry out detailing.

Investing in a car

A high-margin rental business niche in Dubai with a guaranteed profitability, which we stipulate when signing the contract.

Листайте влево
Another investment option


Another investment option

You don't have to have a car to become part of a profitable business. You choose: investment currency, period, investment method and receive income.

Car selection and contract


Car selection and contract

We will select a car for investment, draw up documentation where we spell out all the terms of the transaction. We select only marketable cars for work.




Your monthly income is specified in the contract, no hidden fees or charges. At the end of the investment period, you receive the full amount invested in the car and the final monthly return payment.

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